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Showing posts from January, 2019

DNS 4B Explorace Games

During the previous class, our lecturer who the subject DFT 1012 Inventive Problem Solving has made a Explorace Games for our class. We have been divided into several groups  & this is my group members 😎 There are 4 checkpoints available in Explorace Games. Each of the checkpoints has been attached a picture & we use the HP reveal app to get the anwer based on the hint that provided. Checkpoint 1 ( Table Lamp) Checkpoint 2 ( Windmill ) Checkpoint 3 ( Air Craft ) Checkpoint 4 ( Crane ) *I'm sorry, picture of checkpoint 4 have been deleted in my phone 😢

TRIZ process flow :

2 Key Steps : A)      Function Analysis •       Helps to clearly identify the  Engineering System . •       In function analysis we have the Supersystem, System and Subsystem. •       Subsystem – component within Engineering system. •       Supersystem – component outside system boundaries. Not designed as a part of the System. •       System – components interaction between subsystem. B)      Cause and Effect Chain Analysis •       Help to identify the fundamental root cause(s). •       These fundamental root causes are essentially the root causes of Engineering System problem which need to be resolved. Function can be categorized into two types : a)       Useful   i.        Normal ii.       Insufficient iii.     Excessive b)       Harmful

Typical Problem Solving Process :

             Step 1: Problem Definition ·          Determine what the problem is          Step 2: Root Cause Identification ·          Pin pointing root of the problem        Step 3: Solution Generation ·          Determine right solution to fix root cause        Step 4: Solution Implementation ·          Check to ensure solution has fixed root cause. If yes, solving process closed. Otherwise, back to solution generation steps        Step 5: Evaluation: Problem Solved ? ·          Iterate solution if root cause is not completely fixed / if other problems arise ( secondary process )

What is Psychological inertia (PI) ?

·         Deals with resistance to change due to human programming ·         Creates barriers to innovative brainstorming during problem solving. ·         Resulted from what a person has learnt before in the form of rules & regulations – do’s & dont's, tv, books, person we interact with ·         The knowledge or experience creates boundaries & restrictions in a person’s mind What Is Creativity ? From  human motivation  , By Robert E. Franken, he defines that “creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.”(California State University, Northbridge)